Time to focus: Resolutions

My days are mostly spent on playing with Mateo, cooking, eating (trying to gain weight), and pretending that I can keep the house clean. It has honestly been tiring. Recently, I have found it to be a repititive motion of doing chores.

To break away from this cycle, I have turned to K-drama. UNHEALTHY, UNPRODUCTIVE. Those things are so addictive. I feel like my life has no focus. I need to take charge of my life again. I'm going to list my resolutions to recharge my mind and soul.

I haven't done "resolutions" in a while.  I usually do it on my birthday. It's not my birthday, and it's not even the new year yet, but I don't want to wait for an occassion to do this. (I am sleepy, so let me just go straight to it.)

My resolutions

  1. STOP watching K-drama. 
  2. Spend one to two hours a day on weekends doing something productive that contributes to personal development. This includes "projects" I have in mind, as well as homescooling know-how for Mateo.
  3. Devote around 30 minutes a day, four times a week (or two hours on weekends) to prepare Mateo's homeschool play materials.
  4. Write. Just write.
  5. Go to bed before 12 midnight.
I'm limiting the list to five to keep it simple. I'm already breaking resolution #5 now, though. I'll be better tomorrow. Cheers!

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