I need to recharge: Coffee love

Can I have a good cup of coffee by myself, please?

I love spending time with Mateo. I really do. I love that I'm a stay-at-home mom rather than a working mom. Yet, sometimes, I just get sooo tired. Being a SAHM is draining my energy. Mateo just seems to drain my energy to almost nil.

He talks non-stop. He plays non-stop. He eats non-stop. He's on the move non-stop. That's an exaggeration, but that's how I feel.

I just want some alone time, please, so I get to recharge my energy? Ranting Writing this somehow helps a tinee tiny bit. BUT. I badly want some solitude so I can effectively work again. Back to being a playful mom who likes to cook and enjoys eating with the little kid, and who goes out just because we like it and not to escape the mess at home.

Can I have a good cup of coffee, please? By myself.

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